Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fort Worth Forecast 89 & Showers, Seattle Forecast 95 & Blazing Sunshine

Currently coming up on 11 in the morning it is 81 here in Fort Worth, heading to a predicted high today of 89. With showers.

Meanwhile, up in Seattle, coming up on 9 in the morning, it is 69, heading to a predicted high of 95. With Blazing Sunshine.

Here in Fort Worth we have this vexation called humidity which leads to a thing called the Heat Index. Currently thought the temperature is 81, it feels like 86.

Meanwhile, up in Seattle, there is not much of a humidity problem, so, somehow with the temperature being 69, it feels like 67. Is this the Anti-Heat Index? I don't know.

Below is the Seattle forecast, taken from the Seattle P-I. Note the amusing weather descriptors, "Blazing sunshine", "Sunny record-tying heat", "Mostly sunny, not as warm", "Beautiful with sunshine".

Meanwhile, our Fort Worth weather descriptor is pretty much "Chance of Showers" until 7 days from now when we get "Mostly Sunny".

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