Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dead Calm HOT Hiking On The Tandy Hills

You are looking north, at a trail leading up a hill in the Tandy Hills Natural Area, today, an hour before noon.

It was only 87 when I hit the hills today. But it was HOT. I think the nautical term for why it felt so HOT is that the air was Dead Calm.

As in absolutely no wind, not even a slight breeze. Nothing. No air movement.

I don't know that I have experienced Dead Calm on the Tandy Hills before.

Now, a couple hours later the sky has turned gray. And a wind is blowing. Possible Thunderstorms are in the forecast for today. Earlier a Thunderstorm did not seem likely. Currently it would not surprise me to hear some booming in the distance.

4th of July of 2009 a badly behaving firework device of some kind lit a fire on the Tandy Hills. I saw no similar result of bad behavior today. I think the hills are less brown than last July and may be less prone to catching on fire.

Tomorrow, Dead Calm, or not, I won't be hiking on the Tandy Hills.

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