Saturday, July 3, 2010

Close Encounters Of The Turtle Kind Walking Fosdic Lake

I went to Oakland Lake Park around 3 this afternoon to walk around Fosdic Lake. Tootsie Tonasket had called me earlier, leaving a message.

So, I called Tootsie back, as I started to walk. About 20 minutes later I was paying more attention to what Tootsie was telling me than to where I was walking, when I almost stepped on the turtle you see in the picture.

I put the Tootsie on speaker phone, put the phone on the ground and took a picture. The Fosdic Turtle was shy and quickly pulled his head in to safety. As soon as our photo session was over the Fosdic Turtle stuck its neck out and started walking, quickly. Where he was going, I do not know. He was not heading towards the lake.

Earlier today the subject of the Windmill Restaurant in Wenatchee came up. Tootsie Tonasket frequents Wenatchee, so I asked Tootsie what she knew about the Windmill Restaurant. Tootsie told me it's a big windmill, that's all she knows. And that she took pictures of it and sent one to me. That seems vaguely familiar. I have memory problems.

About an hour in to talking to Tootsie Tonasket the weather situation turned dire. Drops of wet started to fall. I got off the phone. I was afraid I was going to need to make a mad dash for cover. I was correct. About 30 seconds later the biggest raindrops I have ever seen began to hit me.

I thought to myself these must have been those infamous baseball size hail balls a few hundred feet higher, only recently melted. And still huge. Each splat of a raindrop left a 4 inch spot of wet.

I started running. By the time I got to vehicular cover I was as soaked as if I'd jumped in Fosdic Lake. Another odd aspect to the humongous raindrops was that they seemed almost HOT.

Very disturbing.

By the time I was in the driver's seat the rain had become torrential. And it became very windy, driving the rain in sheets. This lasted about 5 minutes and then it was as if it had never happened.

Now I am back in my abode, it is darkening again. I am about to make my way out of here to go to Miss Puerto Rico's. I suspect I will be experiencing some Saturday night drama, some of it weather related.


  1. You love drama. Your the King of Texas drama. Kidding of course.

  2. Miss Tootsie,
    Thank you for anointing me King.
    I must royally point out that "your" is a possessive pronoun. But "you" and "are" can be contracted as "you're."

    I feel as if I have mentioned this before. We need not speak of this unpleasantness again. You're welcome.
