Monday, July 12, 2010

A Blue Texas Monday With A Captured Barefoot Bandit

As you can see, from the view from my patio, it is a very blue Monday, currently, at my location in Texas, this second Monday of July.

I was dead tired real early Sunday. So, I went to bed before the sun did. And then got out of bed, this morning, before the sun did. Well, more accurately, I got up about the same time the sun did.

I have a lot of blogging fodder that should provide me some entertainment today. I hope.

Washington's notorious Barefoot Bandit, Colton-Harris Moore, was finally caught. Somehow managing to steal a plane in Indiana and fly it all the way to the Bahamas, where, eventually he was recognized, police called, with his capture after a high speed boat chase. When caught and arrested, Colton was still barefoot.

I did not know the Barefoot Bandit had been captured til Betty Jo Bouvier told me, suggesting it might be good blogging material. I'll get around to that later on my Washington blog.

But, before that, I believe it is time for my extremely salubrious early morning swim. You are welcome to join me. Monday's are clothing optional.

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