Friday, July 16, 2010

102 Degrees HOT This Weekend In Fort Worth So I'm Thinking About Escaping To Seattle

After yesterday's vigorous Tandy Hills Sauna/Steambath I am taking a day off from that type salubrious activity. To get my daily endorphin fix I amped up my pooling this morning, staying immersed in wet for over an hour. I may have overdone it a bit, as I am a bit sore.

I may be remembering wrong, but I don't think my specific location in Texas has registered 100 degrees yet this year. If I remember right the official temperature taking location, at D/FW International Airport, did go over the 100 mark. I think that may have been before the arrival of summer.

The HEAT has already dropped the humidity down, a little. But the Heat Index still has the current temperature of 91.9 feeling like 98.

On July 20 it will be 2 years to the day since I last escaped the HEAT of Texas for the frigid climate (in more ways than one) of Western Washington.

This morning Betty Jo Bouvier told me that I need to fly up on July 19 so that I can be a surprise arrival at a dinner at the Chinook Restaurant in Seattle. July 19 is only 3 days from now. That does not give me a whole lot of time to find out where the Chinook Restaurant is, or figure out how I'm going to get there.

But, when Betty Jo Bouvier beacons, one fails to heed her call at ones risk, she being the Wild Woman of Woolley, afterall.

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