Sunday, June 6, 2010

Visualizing The BP Oil Spill Disaster Spilled On Fort Worth

Yikes! Just got an email from Don Young, subject line "Fun with Maps!"

I had no idea what fun I was about to have with maps.

At the website, - Visualizing the BP Oil Spill Disaster, you can see how big the BP Oil Spill is in relation to your town.

My town is currently Fort Worth, Texas. I had no idea the BP Spill was so huge. As in if it were centered on Fort Worth the spill would extend north nearly to Ada, Oklahoma, south nearly to Waco, east nearly to Canton and west nearly to Abilene.

It is about a 160 mile drive from here up to Ada, Oklahoma. About 90 miles south to Waco. Another 90 miles east to Canton. And 150 miles west to Abilene.

That is a lot of oil spilled over a really big area.


  1. Peshaw...BP says it's not that bad Didn't you hear the COO comment that 1000 barrels of oil looks just the same as 5000 barrels oil?

  2. That is aweful. I have often wondered about how far the harmful air from B.S. natural-gas drilling related activities travel, which played an important role my coonsideration of how far to move my family in order to be relatively safe from all this expansive fracking pollution. The idea of having a houseboat on the Gulf of Mexico just got scratched off our list :<_
