Sunday, June 6, 2010

Texas Heat Insomnia Strikes Deep Into Sleep

Saturday night was not all right. Insomnia.

All day long, Saturday, for the most part, this, that and the other thing did not go well.

By around 4 in the afternoon the official temperature taking location for D/FW, that being the airport, went over 100 degrees for the first time this year.

I went to bed early, feel asleep, went into pleasant dream mode. And then about 11 I woke up to find myself a hot, sweaty mess.

And thus began the rest of the night's attempt to battle with the A/C to make the temperature in here semi-pleasant.

Have I mentioned I am not acclimating to the HEAT well this year? Why? I don't know.

And now this morning I found the pool pump is not circulating the water. Again.

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