Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Queen Of Wink & The West Texas Yoga Trio

I knew the Queen of Wink is extremely talented. I also knew the Queen of Wink is extremely limber, able to contort herself into yoga positions I could never dream of managing.

Being so flexible has all sorts of practical uses as one goes about ones daily routines. Or so I would think.

It seems West Texas is a hotbed of retro. We have that melodrama in Midland called Summer Mummers, that is straight out of the Vaudeville era. Or before.

And then there is the aging rock band that calls itself Hotflash and may be leading West Texas into being the world's latest hot new music scene. When Seattle was the world's hot music scene it gave the world Grunge. If West Texas becomes the world's hot music scene I suspect it will give the world Sludge.

And then we have the Queen of Wink & The West Texas Yoga Trio (aka the Ross Sisters), channeling Betty Grable's 1940's, mixing in some 60's Wild Child-ness, combined with some modern era girl on girl on girl action.

I have seen the Queen of Wink remain steady, in that position you see her in in the above picture, for 20 minutes, effortlessly. It's amazing.

Check your West Texas club listings to see where the Queen of Wink & The West Texas Yoga Trio are appearing if you'd like to catch their act live. If that is not possible you can listen to the girls sing "Solid Potato Salad" and watch them do their yoga contortions in the YouTube video below...


  1. As someone who is working very hard to do a forearm stand, I am duly impressed!

  2. Will be doing my yoga act Friday morning around 8AM at the local Wink hot spot...see ya there, darlin'

  3. CT2---
    That is mighty early to be limber at the Wink HOT spot.

  4. The Queen of Wink is quite talented. Watching, I was torn between horrification and amazement.

    But she certainly does have a lovely figure.

    I wonder if she ever accidentally gets her limbs tangled up?
