Monday, June 7, 2010

I Successfully Slept & Traumatically Dreamt About Sonja Morgan & The Queen Of Wink

I think I mentioned, yesterday, that I'd been traumatized by a horrible bout of insomnia, the night before, due, I think, to adjusting to the HEAT WAVE and getting the A/C to the right level of COOL.

I was a bit worn out by the time I tried to sleep again, sometime after the sun turned out the lights, last night.

I fell asleep fairly easily, went into vivid cinematic technicolor dream mode. I was being driven in a Disneyesque superpark by my favorite New York City Housewife, Sonja Morgan. Sonja and I were having ourselves a really good time, driving and talking and looking at the Disney sights.

Sonja suggested I come to New York City for a visit. And then my phone rang. I looked to see it was the Queen of Wink calling. I weighed the propriety of taking a call whilst I was having fun with Sonja and decided to risk it and flipped the phone open. The Queen of Wink said hello, I am transferring you to another person, where you can sign up.

What? This startled me. And woke me up. It was a bit past 11. Sometime after midnight I'd calmed down from the Queen of Wink's phone call and fell asleep and back in to dream mode again.

I won't be detailing the second scary wake me up dream of the night. Suffice to say the MPAA rating would likely be R. And not for violence. Or language. I won't say if it involved the Queen of Week or Sonja Morgan.

Or both.

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