Wednesday, June 23, 2010

HOT Tandy Hills Hiking With A Bad Bug Bite & Being Thankful For Being Thoughtful

You are looking north on the newly refurbished, courtesy of the Fort Worth Water Department, Tandy Highway, deep in the Emerald Forest of the Tandy Hills, about 4, on this Wednesday, 3rd day of summer, afternoon.

When I hit the hills it was 99 degrees with a Heat Index of 103, not a lot of wind.

I got to the Tandy Hills at half past 3. I desperately needed an aerobic endorphin fix. I hill hiked for over an hour.

Today, whilst hiking in the HEAT, it occurred to me that it would be a real good thing if shaded sitting opportunities were randomly available in various locations in the Tandy Hills Natural Area Sanatorium.

During all the years of my Texas exile I don't recollect getting a single bug bite. In Washington no spring or summer passed without multiple mosquito bites. And mountain hiking in Washington required heavy doses of bug spray or you'd find yourself badly bug bitten.

Well, today I got a rare Texas bug bite. On the back of my right hand. I did not feel it when I got bit, but noticed it soon after I exited the hills. I can see where the bug's stinger poked a hole. Around the hole there is a quarter inch circle of redness. It seems to be getting redder and bigger. It does not itch or sting.

On a non bug bite related totally different subject. This morning I got an email from my Big Sister. She thanked me for being thoughtful. It made me feel good that she thanked me for being thoughtful. Thanking me for being thoughtful is the first nice thing I recollect my Big Sister saying to me for at least 4 years.

It is weird how a little thing, like being thanked for being thoughtful, can put me in a good mood.

If you don't hear from me in the morning, blog-wise, it likely means this bug bite was more serious than I think it is now...

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