Monday, June 28, 2010

A Good Fort Worth Thunderstorm For The Last Monday Of June

Well, the day may have dawned blue, but this afternoon my zone of Texas has turned very stormy.

It was 96 out there when I went hiking on the Tandy Hills around noon. Cloudy but HOT.

Around 3 I was over at Miss Puerto Rico's to fix something on her computer when the sky turned ominous and the thunder I'd been hearing booming in the distance got way closer.

I took a picture of angry sky from Miss PR's balcony and then headed back here.

The air felt charged with energy. And then the wind started up. I wandered around enjoying the incoming storm and then sat on a lounge chair by the pool to watch the storm.

And then the rain started up. I was under a tree so I was able to stay dry. For awhile.

I could feel the temperature dropping. It felt good. When I realized I was starting to get wet I decided it was time to take shelter.

When I opened my patio door to take a picture a flash of lightning exploded right in front of me, with the boom at the same time as the flash. I've only had this happen once before. It's a bit unsettling.

As you can see we have plummeted almost 24 degrees. The rain is now letting up.

This has been our 3rd Thunderstorm in 5 days. With more in the forecast for tomorrow.

It's been 20 minutes, at least, so I am assuming the close encounter lightning strike did not start a fire. Looking out my computer room window I can see a tree knocked over.

The only other "damage" that I've seen is my swimming suit was blown off the balcony to the ground below, to be rescued when it dries out.

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