Thursday, June 24, 2010

Getting Wrapped Up In Spider Webs At River Legacy Park In Arlington

You are looking at a fork in the mountain bike trail in River Legacy Park, today, a short time after noon.

I had not been to River Legacy in a long time. I don't think I've ever seen the trails in such good shape.

I managed to get a bit lost in one of the new "challenging" sections. The River Legacy mountain bike trails have become a bit of a maze, as the miles of trails have grown, with the most maze-like being the new "challenging section."

It took me about a half hour of going up and down steep little hills and going the wrong way at junctions, before I made my way back to the main trail. By then I was a super sweaty mess. Who had forgotten his water bottle.

I saw no animals of the mammal or reptile sort today. No armadillos, no snakes, no boars, not even a squirrel. I've never seen River Legacy critter free before.

But, I did see a lot of spiders. And a lot of the spiders had made webs across the trail. I've never seen so much spider webbing before. In some spots the spider webs made trees look white. I've not seen this out of control spider webbing phenomenon before.

What with absence of critters and the over population of spiders it causes me to wonder if the eco-system at River Legacy has gone awry.

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