Friday, June 4, 2010

Feeling 100 Years Old On The Tandy Hills With A Lot Of Ladybird's Century

Yesterday I learned the small pink wildflower, that I'd not noticed before, is called Ladybird's Century. And that the Ladybird's are rare and to not step on them.

So, today I was looking for Ladybird's Century and saw them all over the Tandy Hills, including seeing a big patch as soon as I stepped out of my vehicle at my parking location on top of Tandy Mountain by the Fort Worth Space Needle.

That is that patch in the picture.

I'm thinking the rain a couple days ago must have caused all the Ladybird's Centuries to go into bloom mode.

Are the Ladybirds named after Lady Bird Johnson? She was a big wildflower advocate.

I went to the Tandy Hills earlier than my norm today, hoping the salubrious effect of some aerobicizing would make me feel better.

It didn't. I'm still feeling like I got in a fight and someone slugged me in the gut. Maybe I had a sleepwalking incident last night.

Now I'm hoping lunch alleviates my misery. I just heard the rice cooker click off. Which means it is time for some Chinese food.


  1. Actually, the pic posted is called, White Rosinweed, (Sylphium albiflorum). It's also very rare and is the subject of a major study by Texas Wesleyan University. Later in the year a similar looking plant, but with yellow flowers, will bloom called, Compass Plant. The leaves on both feel like sandpaper.

  2. DY, the White Rosinweed is in the foreground in front of the Ladybird's Century patch. Those Ladybird's are so tiny they don't show up very well when not in close-up mode. I saw lots of them today all over the place.

  3. Hey D! I feel your pain on the body thing -- feels like I'm dragging mine behind me everywhere I go and I don't know why .... maybe those B-12 shots I get are placebos? whadaya s'pose is up?
