Friday, June 11, 2010

Escaping The Texas HEAT By Going To Washington Again

You are looking at the Friday morning window view from my computer room. It is half past 9 and already 81 on the way to a high of 95, with extremely high humidity making it feel HOTTER.

The temperature of the air and the pool, this morning, were identical, or so it seemed to me, according to my built-in skin sensors.

Last night I managed to have the best night's sleep in recent memory. What a difference sleeping well makes. It's like a major rejuvenation.

This morning I heard from the 50th state, planting the idea in my head to head north, to Washington, for some quality time with some quality people. I like this idea.

The last time I headed north was July 20, 2008, almost 2 years ago, for a traumatic one month long bout of bizarreness, the bizarreness of which continues, in various iterations, to this day. When I returned to sane Texas, on August 20, 2008, I vowed to myself that it would be a long time before I subjected myself to any variation of what I subjected myself to in 2008.

But, the idea of heading up to Washington to spend time with non-toxic people, now that appeals to me. I am currently in the midst of working on a website deal that might require a visit to Washington. I'm thinking, maybe I can combine the two, the website with the non-toxic people.

It is being breezy this morning. If this breeziness continues I see a breezy Tandy Hills Steam Bath in my mid-day future. Or, I may skip it.

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