Monday, June 14, 2010

Don't Mess With A Texan Woman!

My therapist, Dr. L.C., did not think it a good idea from me to not subject myself to anything aerobicizing today, due to the fact that the endorphin withdrawal would likely cause me acute anxiety.

Dr. L.C. is a Texan Woman. A full bore, born and bred, complete with a drawling accent, that never met a 'g' that she did not want to drop from a word. I guess I should not mess with her advice.

I don't remember where I came upon this "Don't Mess With a Texan Woman!" message today. Was it via Zelda del West? I really should keep notes.

And doesn't it make more sense to say "Texas Woman" than "Texan Woman?"

The admonition to not mess with a Texan Woman sounds like a warning. During my exile in Texas I've only met one Texan Woman who is a bit scary to mess with.

Elsie Hotpepper.

The scary women to mess with in Texas have not been Texas Women, but transplants. The worst was a transplant who came to Texas via New York and Washington. I have never met a woman from New York who was not extremely difficult. But, I must admit my sampling is very small, as in I've only known 2 women from New York. Weirdly, both were nurses and both had the same last name. And epic psychotic PMS.

The woman I know in Texas, who you really don't want to mess with, is also a transplant. Miss Puerto Rico. She has the stereotypical Latina temper down to an art form. It's actually amusing, if it's not directed at me.

Well, enough of this messy Texas Women talk. It's giving me a headache. Either that or the endorphin withdrawal.

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