Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Discovering Manhole Worshipers Today On The Tandy Hills

The smog here, in my zone of Texas, seems greatly diminished from yesterday's smoggiest day in my Texas memory. Yesterday's super smoggy day was already super smoggy before a nearby natural gas pipeline exploded, sending a big plume of pollution skyward.

I think the air got vacuumed cleaned, today, by Mother Nature working up some wind, blowing it all to Oklahoma, including yesterday's unfortunate explosion residue.

That wind also made the Tandy Hills not the Sauna/Steam Bath experience it was yesterday.

Today I parked on top of Mount Tandy, by the Fort Worth Space Needle. As I came down the north side of Mount Tandy I was surprised to see a large group, well, large for deep in the Tandy Hills.

As I got closer it appeared the group of maybe 8 guys were standing over a manhole cover, worshiping it. That is what their rapt attention looked like.

I inquired, regarding the object of worship, to learn it was a robot video camera on wheels that was not cooperating properly, that was the focus of their attention.

So, I continued on my merry way, turning around to take a picture to see that a pair of the manhole cover robot video camera worshipers were following me. That is what it looked like, on first glance, but what I think they were actually doing was heading towards their vehicular transport that was on the north side of Tandy Falls.

It seems like well over a month now the Tandy Hills pipeline has been vexing the Fort Worth Water Department.

It is 90 right now, with a 94 degree Heat Index. The current forecast is a 50% chance of rain tomorrow. Standing outside in a warm summer downpour sounds like a really good thing right now, even if it isn't quite actually summer.

The pool is right on the temperature edge of not being all that refreshing. We are now at the time of year when I take my showers using only the cold water. Because, it is no longer all that cold.

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