Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Crowley Texas School Bunsen Burner Gas Leak Sends 7 To Hospital

A few minutes ago I got an email telling me that there'd been a gas incident at a school in Crowley, Texas which sent 7 people to an area hospital.

The emailer knew no details.

Naturally, I thought the worst, that a Barnett Shale Natural Gas Drilling Operation had had an accident.

Turns out it was a Bunsen Burner leaking gas, this morning, Tuesday, June 1, in a Crowley 9th grade science lab, causing a teacher to pass out and making several students not feel so good.

Five students and two adults were taken to the hospital.

The school building was evacuated, with the kids allowed back in after it was determined all was well.

Now, here is where this story turned weird, for me. To find the info I Googled "Crowley School Gas Leak."

This brought up the local NBC news story about the link, in the #1 position. In #3, at that time, was this very blog, specifically a blogging yesterday about an Armadillo Roadkill. That being a blogging in which no mention was made of an event which had not yet occurred.

The excerpt in the Google link to my blog said...

Durango Texas: Memorial Day Armadillo Roadkill Blocking My Way On... May 31, 2010 ... I soon saw my first Armadillo Roadkill of the year. Recently I had remarked that the armadillos did not seem to be making their usual busy...Gas leak has shut down a school in Crowley, injuries reported...

The last line, in bold, was nothing I'd written, but was verbatim in the email telling me about the leak! And showed up in the Google search link.

Very perplexing.


  1. Seven! It's always seven!

    Weird about the blog intrusion ....

    Singapore again, eh? Hey, Gar! They have some mighty fine He-She's over there -- stunning, in fact. Doubt you could tell the difference.

  2. Somaphx, you might wanna be careful about pointing out things like those Singapore attractions. The boy is addicted to peccadilloes.

    The blog, well, actually, Google intrusion, was very very weird. The internet and its workings is way too big a mystery for my feeble little brain to understand.
