Friday, June 18, 2010

Blissed Out From A Fort Worth Endorphin Overdose

You are looking up the Fort Worth Space Needle from the top of Mount Tandy. I was not at the Fort Worth Space Needle for lunch. I was there before lunch.

When I look up at the Fort Worth Space Needle it makes me dizzy, particularly if it is windy, which today it was.

I am trying to figure out how to break my endorphin addiction. It really is a tiresome monkey to have on my back.

Today I got up well before the sun did, was in the pool after the sun showed up. And then coming up on noon that endorphin withdrawal woe started to kick in.

And so I headed to my usual place where I get my endorphin fix, the Tandy Hills.

After today's HOT Hill Hiking I am feeling particularly blissed out by all the endorphins coursing through my veins.

The hiking got off to a semi-bad start today. As I descended Mount Tandy and took a left, heading south from the first junction, I was surprised to see the Fort Worth Water Department back in the Tandy Hills Natural Area, with several trucks, being un-natural. One big truck blocked the trail I was on. That truck's engine was running. I was in no mood to get a dose of diesel fumes in my face, so I reversed direction, altering my carefully planned hiking route for the day.

It all worked out fine in the end. I did not get any diesel fumes in my lungs, that I noticed.

My soul food lunch turned out tasty, particularly the oven-fried chicken. I've only recently discovered this chicken cooking method. It's very easy. I soak the chicken in buttermilk, to which I've mixed in some pepper. Then I roll the chicken in corn meal, to which I've added more pepper, powdered ginger, paprika, thyme, oregano and salt. The chicken goes in a glass cooking dish, on which I've smeared butter, and then stuck in the oven at 375 for an hour.

Tomorrow the leftover chicken gets turned into stir-fry with Vietnamese spring rolls, which are very easy to make.

My noisy construction project is complete, so peace and quiet reigns supreme once more. Between that and the endorphin overdose, I'm feeling blissful.

The feeling likely won't last.

1 comment:

  1. I think copious amounts of endorphins achieved while hiking over hill and dale will be good for you and will be hard to over do. It's the chicken that you've described that'll do you in.
