Friday, June 18, 2010

Another HOT Fort Worth Friday With Betty Jo Bouvier Burning & Soul Food

That's the clear blue sky view out my computer room window, this Friday morning in the Fort. Worth, that is.

Currently, at 9am, it is 83 with a Heat Index of 88, heading to a high of 98. In other words, it is HOT. And gonna get HOTTER.

I went swimming for a long long time this morning, shortly after the sun arrived to light up the place.

The remodeling my patio project ran into a snag yesterday which required replacing a long support post. Yesterday afternoon the construction noise became so noisy I hauled my laptop over to Miss Puerto Rico's for some peace and quiet.

Last night I received disturbing photo documentation from the Wild Woman of Woolley, Betty Jo Bouvier, of her latest pyromaniacal accident. This is not the first incident where Betty Jo has caused a burn pile to go explosive, doing extensive damage to her usually well-managed hair.

As you can see, this time the fire explosion sort of turned half of Betty Jo's hairstyle into a Princess Leia look. Maybe Betty Jo can somehow give the other side the same treatment and achieve a balanced look.

I think maybe it is time for Betty Jo to re-consider this whole Wild Woman of Woolley thing. It seems too dangerous to me.

Change of subject from Betty Jo Bouvier's latest hair debacle.

Lately I have been channeling my inner African-American and making soul food. I'm doing so again today. Oven-fried chicken legs, mashed sweet potatoes and diced celery sauteed in butter.

Lunch is around 1. Don't be late.

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