Saturday, May 1, 2010


Sometime Friday I got my first message regarding the supposed resolution of the Carter Avenue Chesapeakegate Scandal. Kathleen Hicks was claiming Carter Avenue was celebrating.


Wendy Davis was trumpeting this victory and thanking, along with Kathleen Hicks, the great benevolence of Chesapeake Energy and TxDOT.

The thing is, I am of the opinion that it is scandalous and borderline criminal that the people who live on Carter Avenue were ever put in this sort of jeopardy by a private business and a city government in cahoots with that private business.

I am also of the opinion that this is not over until Chesapeake Energy drops its eminent domain case against Steve Doeung. The day that happens is the day I think a celebration is called for. Until then. I don't trust that this absurdity is really over.

Below is the "News Release" from the office of esteemed Fort Worth City Councilwoman, Kathleen Hicks....

FORT WORTH There is much to celebrate on Carter Avenue as TxDOT confirmed today that the proposal by TMGS, a subsidiary of Chesapeake Midstream Partners, to install a portion of the Thomas-to-Hickman pipeline route along I-30 has been approved. This morning, TxDOT issued a permit for the installation of a gas line across and parallel to I-30 and Beach Street.

Chesapeake Energy has long sought to lay a gas pipeline under Carter Avenue in order to connect the Thomas and Hickman well sites. After several requests to Chesapeake Energy to delay their permit request and after several meetings on this issue, Chesapeake can now actively work to seek street crossing approvals from the City of Fort Worth. These approvals are necessary before the pipeline can be installed.

"For two years, I joined concerned residents in just saying no to this proposed pipeline,” said Council Member Kathleen Hicks. “Today's news is truly a victory for the neighborhoods and I thank TxDOT and Chesapeake. Most of all I thank Carter Avenue residents who have waited patiently for this day! With this victory for Carter Avenue, I expect other neighborhoods to utilize this victory in their own efforts.”

Chesapeake is optimistic that pipeline construction could begin as early as this fall, bringing long awaited royalties to hundreds of mineral owners. The proposed alternate route will travel west of Beach Street south of I-30 and enter TxDOT right-of-way and run latitudinally across north of I-30.


  1. I think you should contact the Senator's office and see if she could use the power of her office to maybe make inquiries on the behalf of Mr.Doeung while Senator Davis is on a high with her recent success.

  2. Now that we the people of and around COWtown have seen, heard, and even smelled the BULL, the question is simple: WHERE'S THE BEEF? Sad that words and press releases (even contracts related to gas drilling) mean very little any more in the B.S. area of the United States of America, where truth and justice have been overtaken by lack-of-truth and justice for just certain select people with the right connections and tax bracket/zip code.

  3. So what does FW's #1 Watchdog think about this latest news about the Controversy in his neighborhood that he had been so concerned about and watched closely? Or that group with all the letters in their name that repeatedly said "Carter Ave. is the litmus test"? Even the local propaganda newspaper was silent. Is this a belated April Fool's joke or is there so much more to this ongoing scandal? Your silence on this matter is deafening (and actually very troubling) FW people.

  4. Good questions, Mr. Waden. I have no answers.
