Thursday, May 6, 2010

Seeing A Royal Purple Cup In My Sauna Sanatorium

For want of a better name, you're looking at a Royal Purple Cup Wildflower, regally brightening up the Tandy Hills today.

It had been less than 24 hours since I had aerobicized, but I was feeling an endorphin shortage and needed some Sanatorium time to ponder the Fort Worth Way, in a non-Fort Worth Way, so it was off to the prairie for some nature communing.

We are starting to get into the temperature range that turns a mid-day hike into being very sauna-like. I like that.

I'd never been a fan of HOT Summer days when I lived in Washington. In Washington a HOT Summer day meant it had climbed into the low 80s. When I moved from Washington, I did not know how well I was going to be able to handle a HOT Texas Summer.

No one had told me about the acclimating phenomenon, til I experienced it. If anyone had told me I would eventually enjoy 100 degree plus temperatures, I would have thought them to be nuts.

I get so used to being acclimated to HEAT that a return to a Washington Summer is quite chilling. The locals swelter in the 70s, while I shiver. The last time I subjected myself to this, some tiresome, self-centered, unable to empathize Washington locals were unable to comprehend my icy misery. My last time in Washington was so COLD, that at the time of my return to Texas, I vowed it would be at least a decade before I subjected myself to such frigidity again.

I have since relented on my no-return vow, due to realizing that not all zones of Washington are as frigid, in Summer, as icy Tacoma.

Buzzer just buzzed. This indicates the Mexican Spaghetti I made for lunch is ready to consume.

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