Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Calls To Mom While Walking Through History

You are looking at the Village Creek Natural Historic Area Bayou, this Mother's Day Sunday, in Texas.

Village Creek is so named, because, before this area was invaded by illegal aliens, one of the largest Native American villages was located here.

It was a prosperous Indian Village, growing crops, herding cattle, trading among the tribes.

And then the illegal aliens came to town and took over in a brutal early version of the Texan penchant for abusing eminent domain. Back then, you didn't just take the property, via legal chicanery shenanigans, you often just killed the property owner to get what you wanted.

Well, enough of history. I called my Ma and wished her a Happy Mother's Day, while I was walking around in the former Indian Village.

My Dad was screening Mom's Mother's Day calls while she was busy peeling pears. My Mom and Dad are constantly canning various fruits and vegetables.

Mom was chatty, even though those pears needed to be attended to. My Dad is in the throes of a cold. I asked how one manages to catch a cold in their HOT desert climate in the Phoenix zone?

My newest nephew went to Arizona for a visit last week, that would be Mom and Dad's newest grandson.

My new nephew's name is David. He is a redhead. This is very mysterious, because there is no history of there being redheads anywhere in my extended family. I told Mom that it is dangerous to be around little kids or buffet lines, due to the germ/virus exposure.

I can't remember the last time I've been in a buffet line or within 10 feet of a germy little kid. I also can't remember the last time I had a cold. Coincidence? I think not.


  1. I believe it was in January and you actually did both!

  2. CT2---Well, I think of Sweet Tomatoes as a healthy type place, not a buffet. And Annie isn't a little kid. She's mid-sized. However, I do vaguely recollect a slight case of the sniffles following the departure of you and Annie.
