Sunday, May 16, 2010

Keep Fort Worth Beautiful, Don't Litter-Put It In The Can!

As soon as I drove into Oakland Lake Park today I noticed green barrels with yellow signs stuck on them.

I'd not been to Oakland Lake Park for several weeks. The last time I was there the grass was being mowed. It'd not been mowed since and now almost looks like it's ready to be harvested for hay.

I've seen green litter cans in Oakland Lake Park, previously. They seemed to have reproduced. As in there were a lot of litter cans.

It struck me as ironic that green litter cans were, well, littering up the park. And further ironic that the unbeautiful green litter cans had a sign stuck on them admonishing park goers to Keep Fort Worth Beautiful.

I don't know if sticking dozens of green cans across the landscape of a park is really the route to go to help Keep Fort Worth Beautiful. Something a tad more discreet and not quite so proliferate might be the way to go.

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