Saturday, May 8, 2010

It Is Saturday May 8, A Day To Vote In Texas For Adrian Murray & John Basham

I think I'll go do me some voting today. I think the last time I did myself some voting was when I was one of the 6% of eligible Fort Worth voters who managed to be one of the 30% who did not vote to re-elect Fort Worth's corrupt, ethics challenged, conflicts of interest laden, sad excuse for a mayor, Mike Moncrief.

Today I'm hoping to be one of the over 51% of the 6% of eligible voters who vote for Adrian Murray and John Basham to replace Marty Leonard and Jim Lane on the Tarrant Regional Water Board.

I think I'll go to a Poll Party tonight. That's where a group eagerly awaits the election returns.

In the meantime, before Poll Partying and after voting, I think I'll have myself some peaceful time at the Tandy Hills Natural Sanatorium Area.

And, by tomorrow morning, my pool should be filled and ready for a return to swimming. It's about time. The lack of my morning pool time has made me unusually grumpy.


  1. Did you hear the radio interview yesterday on 660AM?

  2. The interview on KERA? That one can be heard by going here...

    ...and clicking on a link.

  3. No, this one was on KSKY on the Wells Report, on Friday, just after 6PM. I think they were talking with Adrian Murray. I think the host was surprised to learn that ALL of the current Board members are clients of the same consultant group.

  4. Steve A is correct.
