Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Incoming Fort Worth Tornadoes With Baseball Sized Hail & Lost Sunglasses Found

You are looking at an angry Texas sky, late Wednesday afternoon, looking west from Mount Tandy, at the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth.

The forecast is for SEVERE STORMS. Possible TORNADOES. And HAIL the size of baseballs.

The biggest hail I've seen in Texas was golfball size. I can't imagine baseball sized hail. That would have to hurt real bad. And wreak havoc with roofs. Both of buildings and vehicles.

I was late on the Tandy Hills today because I got myself into a lunch situation in Euless. I think it was Euless. Maybe it was Hurst. All those little towns, all clustered in their Mid-Cities' configuration, are confusing. Maybe I was in Bedford. I'm sure I was not in Watauga.

I do know I was in a Mexican Inn. The supposedly famous puffy chips are really annoying to me. Were they the inspiration for Fritos? Who wants to dip a Fritos type chip into salsa? Not me.

I did have something very fortuitous, maybe even omen-like, happen today. Maybe it's a sign that my decades of really really bad luck are finally at an end.

I don't know.

What I do know is today, I was hiking along on my beloved Tandy Hills, waving my walking stick and singing to myself, when I looked down and what do I see?

The sunglasses I lost on Easter! Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition. It is a miracle.

I do not know how I did not see them before. They were laying right off the trail, right by where I thought I'd left them.

My sunglasses seemed to be unaffected by being left out in the elements. No bugs had decided to make them their home. The rain seemed to have washed them clean. The heat had not melted any part of them.

So. This has been a good day. This should give you a good indication of the extremely low threshold for qualifying as a good day in my world.

Lost sunglasses found? I am a very happy boy. Little things make me happy.


  1. I cannot believe you found your sunglasses. Too strange.

    What year did you move here? You must not have been here for the Tornado or Mayfest storm. HUGE hail.

  2. cd0103, finding the sunglasses was very very strange. They were right were I thought I left them. How did I not see them before?

    I got here the last week of 1998. So, I was not here for the Mayfest hailstorm, but I was here for the 2000 tornado.
