Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Filed A Report With The FBI & Other Nonsense

Well, I've had me a sort of sickening morning. The sort of sickening that would be funny if it weren't so sad and sickening.

I got an email this morning from my Anonymous Tacoma emailer with a link to Facebook.

Imagine my joy when I clicked on the link to see myself being discussed by the entities I call Fubbo, Mister Sister and Mega Nag. Discussed on Facebook.

Apparently I am stalking (or stocking) Fubbo on the Internet. And it's very creepy. And sloppy.

The FBI has been contacted by Fubbo and she has her people working on the case, including Mister Sister, who Fubbo suggests might do some IP digging.

Now, where this turns funny, and sad, is a couple months ago Fubbo showed up on Gar the Texan's blog, anonymously, at first. The Queen of Wink sent me the Anonymous comment, along with the IP address. I could tell it was Fubbo. I then said so on Gar's blog. To which Fubbo, almost immediately, commented, denying ever being Anonymous.

And yet Fubbo somehow knew she'd been exposed on some random blog, denying it was she making the Anonymous comment. Fubbo's damage control comment was pretty lame, the Queen of Wink pretty much amusingly countered Fubbo. Fubbo then deleted her comments and went away. Or so I thought.

The Queen of Wink was able to use some IP tracking thing to see where Fubbo was going, blog-wise.

I then commented that it was pretty ironic that Fubbo has said she forces herself not to read my blog and now to find out she's not only stalking mine, but also stalking the blogs of people I know in Texas. If you look at my FeedJit stats you can see Tacoma is constantly showing up on my blog.

Fubbo must have stewed about this embarrassment for a couple months and then decided to project her behavior on to me.

What profoundly disturbs me is that Mister Sister and Mega Nag are feeding into these delusions. I'd told Mister Sister that she needed to be wary of Fubbo due to the girl being a pathological liar.

It's all very perplexing to me. And sad. And just slightly funny.


  1. That person is like a cancer on your life that you are not able to get rid of. This has to be very frustrating.

  2. Let me see if I'm getting this right. This Fubbo left a comment on Gar's blog. I assume it was not a nice comment. Now Fubbo claims you left a comment with someone named Serena? I assume this also was not a nice comment. Did you call the FBI over Fubbo's comment? Who says things like that? Did you make a comment to Serena? How does Fubbo get the gall to get upset if you did leave a comment, when she does the same thing? I don't understand.

  3. Yikeroo---
    You are right. It is very frustrating. Just when I think Fubbo's finally gone totally away, it's back.

    No. I did not call the FBI. I'm not quite sure how one goes about doing that. I don't know who Serena is, so, I've made not comments to her. As for Fubbo's gall, well, basically, it's a pathology. Extreme hypocrisy combined with delusions and out and out lying.

  4. Good did you get mixed in with that bag of nuts?!! Your first ref to Queen calls her Queen of Week...
    I am sorry, that sucks...I never really thought of you as the stocker type. LOL, I cant help it...those people are nuts.

  5. Thanks, Anonymous, I moved the Queen from Week, back to Wink, where she belongs.

  6. Anonymous, I forgot say, yeah, I don't see myself as the Stocker type either. And yes, nuts is putting it mildly.

  7. Oh my! Can't say I didn't see that coming. I believe Fubbo is obsessed with you and possibly still wondering about your relationship with the Queen. How is it that the stalker becomes the stalkee? I concur, Fubbo is tres delusional. Poor thing, seeking all that attention in such a harmful negative's truly depressing.

  8. CT2---
    You have no idea how depressing. It's like what do I have to do to get rid of this person once and for all? I know you don't watch Real Housewives of New York City, but if you did we could discuss the mentally ill behavior of Kelly. It's a similar weirdness. Fubbo's lies are so transparent. Like, did she forget when she got caught stalking my blog, yours and Gar's. And the bitch slapping that was administered? What bothers me worse is she puts this on Facebook, with Mister Sister and Mega Nag adding comments. I tell you, when I read that this morning it truly sickened me. Matter of factly telling Mister Sister that she'd filed a complaint with the FBI. Without Mister Sister saying, uh, are you insane? I used to have some sympathy for these creatures. No more.

  9. CT2---
    I forgot to mention, regarding my relationship with the Queen. I saw on your Facebook thing the new news that you are in a relationship. Naturally I assumed it was with me. Right about now, escaping to Wink and working on our relationship seems like a really good idea.

  10. FBI? She went to the FBI? I think that would be a bit risky. Aren't there warrants out on her for unpaid fines and stuff like that? I'm really sorry you're still having this crap happen. I wish I knew what to tell you to get rid of that cancer once and for all.

  11. T-Town Girl---
    Fubbo says a lot of things. One wisely does not believe most of it.

    Can you picture that Jabba the Hut lookalike wandering into a FBI office to complain that someone made a comment on a blog? And was thus stalking her?

    And I had not thought about what you've thought of, as in, just a second, Miss Fubbo, while we look up your record...

    That wouldn't go well!

  12. Wink could use a guy like minded and in good health, not to mention your rugged good looks. I'm afraid though with such a man as yourself making an appearance, you'd have all sorts of women making inquiries. I'm not sure if you'd have adequate time to spend with the Queen. But...the Roy Orbison Festival is just around the corner...

  13. Zelda, today's installment was even more disturbing. With a big WOW factor.

  14. What's wrong with your sisters?

  15. Anonymous, I only have one sister. She lives in the Phoenix suburb of Chandler.
