Sunday, May 16, 2010

Feeling Peculiar With A Vixen Texan

Yesterday was an interesting Saturday, pretty much from the time I got out of bed.

Soon after swimming I was perplexed, on Facebook, to read of the vexations one of my Facebook Friends was having due to being confused about how she felt about the Peculiar boys, Joe and Moe.

Soon after being confounded by the Peculiar conundrum my sister called with the news about my Uncle Mel.

Awhile after that I was to learn that one of my Texas friends is in the throes of marital misery, to the extent that the one in marital misery is thinking of escaping by leaving the country. That is a pretty dire dose of misery.

And then I called another Texas friend, a sweet ol' good Texas girl. Or so I thought. Imagine my shock, when she told me that she is a Vixen. I was not quite certain what a Vixen was, but it sounded like it must be something shocking. I was driving at the time and thus unable to Google "Vixen."

Later, when I was back with Google access, I was to learn that a Vixen is a female fox. I have trouble remembering details. I am not quite certain why I was informed about the Vixen thing. I do remember that somehow, in the context, this information was shocking.

Shocking may be too strong a word. My vocabulary is lacking, so shocking is the best I can come up with.

I don't blog, usually, about what goes on after 5. Suffice to say that last night I had a penguin encounter, after hours, at the Fort Worth Zoo, among other encounters. I got back here, exhausted, around midnight. I've not stayed up that late since December 5 of 2008.

I'm hoping for a nice, peaceful, sedate Sunday. Though, Miss Puerto Rico did call me, really early, wanting to know why I'd not let her know Puerto Rico had had an earthquake. What am I? A personal news service?

I'm likely going over to Miss Puerto Rico's, later. That always turns into something. Latinas are such Drama Vixens.

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