Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Warm Weather & Deadly Neighbors In Fort Worth Texas

I would appear it is about to get semi-warm in these parts. And maybe a little wet. I see no lightning bolts in the forecast. Which would seem to indicate no likely tornadoes twisting.

Cautionary tale this morning, here in Fort Worth. As in if you see a new neighbor moving in, don't be too eager to help. Until a new neighbor is in the neighborhood for awhile, it is likely best to err on the side of caution and be wary.

Saturday night, Isabel Diaz's finance, Alfonso Beza and her brother, Pedro Diaz, went to help a new neighbor move in to a rental house in West Fort Worth.

The next morning Isabel could not find her boy friend or brother, so she went over to the new neighbor's, Douglas L. Kirk, to ask about the missing guys. Kirk acted like he had no clue what she was talking about.

Isabel went home, called 911 and waited for the police, who when they arrived found the bodies of Alfonso and Pedro, killed with multiple gunshots.

How does no one in the neighborhood not hear guns blazing, I wondered?

I helped a new neighbor move in near me, here in Fort Worth, one time. I felt no danger. She was a really big lady. She needed help.

The Murdering Neighbor was captured Sunday night at a 6 Motel in my neighborhood. He told a friend that "demons" made him do it.

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