Friday, April 2, 2010

Walking Around Fort Worth's Fosdic Lake With Tootsie Tonasket

It rained on my zone of Texas this morning for a short duration, but long enough that I figured mud may have returned, temporarily, to the Tandy Hills.

So, when the time came for me to escape to the outside, the place of escape was Oakland Lake Park to walk around Fosdic Lake.

Tootsie Tonasket walked with me. Tootsie is entertaining to talk and walk with. Tootsie does a real good job of laughing at me.

Tootsie lives in her own special world, sort of a combo situation comedy/reality show/cops & robbers soap opera.

Due to Tootsie living in her own special world, that being a world without calendars, Tootsie Tonasket did not know that yesterday was April 1, also known as April Fool's Day. So Tootsie was all worked up over my supposed move to Las Vegas.

A couple minutes after I said, "Tootsie, yesterday was April Fool's Day," she said, "Oh, it was a joke then?"

What type bird is that that I got a closeup of today? It just stood there, on the grass above the lake, ignoring the other birds, and not acting like I made it nervous.

The prediction was for stormy for today. That rain this morning must have been it. I can't remember the last really good Texas Thunderstorm, of the sort I'd grown sort of fond of.

Mr. Steve A commented on the previous blogging, about gas explosions, and me saying something about big dams, pointing me to a YouTube video of a deadly dam incident in Russia that I'd not heard of before....

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