Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Taking A Detox Cleansing Revitalizing Toxic People Cure

The Toxic People Epidemic seems to continue to spread. Earlier I got a report of very bad cases way out in West Texas, in the Wink Zone. I mentioned this to my therapist, Dr. L.C., who then told me that Elsie Hotpepper, unbeknownst to me, is having a Toxic People Contamination Problem.

Yesterday I learned that the Wild Woman of Woolley, Betty Jo Bouvier, is fighting her particular Type of Toxic by going on a Detox Program.

I am always easily swayed, so yesterday I decided to jump on Betty Jo's Detox Bandwagon. My Detox Treatment is Detox Tea. It promises to be Cleansing and Revitalizing, with over 20 Potent Chinese Purification Herbs for Traditional Support of the Defenses, plus Healthy Skin.

I already have healthy skin. But I definitely could use some Support of the Defenses against Toxicity. I've lately learned that a couple thousand mile buffer, and no contact, is not good enough Toxic People protection, in the age of easy Toxic Intrusion, via the Internet.

I read all over the documentation on my Detox Tea Box and I can find no information regarding whether or not the 20 Potent Chinese Purification Herbs help Detoxify the toxic effects of Toxic People.

In addition to my Detoxing Battle, as of this morning, for awhile, I will not be in the swim of things. I went swimming early this morning. By around 10, the Pool Doctor showed up to begin the pool draining process, so that the pool can be re-lined. I do not know how long this will take.

I will need to find some sort of calorie burning substitution, for the duration, lest I blow up like a Toxic Fat Person.

In the meantime, it is late afternoon and I am heading to the Tandy Hills to go Wildflower Hunting.

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