Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Pine Tree Ghost Stands On Dallas Cowboy Stadium 50 Yard Line

I got a Feedback Comment this morning via my Eyes on Texas webpage about the eminent domain abuse that was done in Arlington to get Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys a new football stadium.

The commenter was looking for a lost story, wondered if I was aware of it and was hoping for information from me about the subject.

I vaguely recollect this part of the Dallas Cowboy Stadium Scandal story, but I remember no details.

Below is the Comment.....

I took the attached photo in May 2005 after reading a story in one of the Dallas-Ft. Worth newspapers. The story was about the little frame house in the neighborhood where the new Cowboys Stadium was to be built and it had to do with a couple who planted a little seedling pine tree early in their marriage. That tree grew to be 50-60 feet tall and it was sitting on what would become (now IS) the 50 yard line of the new stadium.

Are you aware of the story? I didn't keep it and can't seem to find it via online searches.

If you know who ran the story or how I could get a copy of it, I would appreciate the information.

Thank you.
Michael Brown

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