Saturday, April 3, 2010

On The Tandy Hills With A Membrum Virile Daisy & Tai Chi Qi Gong

A Self Anointed Botanist (SAB) hiked the Tandy Hills with me for awhile today.

Few wildflowers are yet coloring up the Texas Prairie. I did see one today that seems to have popped up since my last visit.

The SAB claims the name for this wildflower is a Membrum Virile Daisy.

On the way to the Tandy Hills today I took the freeway to Beach Street, due to needing to go to the bank. Bluebonnets have sprouted up along the freeway. A sure sign the annual Texas Wildflowers display is on its way, way later than the norm.

It is 3 weeks til the 2010 Prairie Fest. I learned from SAB, and just minutes ago had it confirmed, via email from the source, that a nurse, I'll call Dr. M. F., is going to be at the Prairie Fest at 3pm doing a demonstration of Tai Chi Qi Gong in celebration of World Tai Chi Qi Gong Day. Dr. M. F. will be giving a Free Class in Tai Chi Qi Gonging.

Don't ask me, I've no clue either. I do know that Dr. M. F. has traveled out of Texas to get training for this thing she is going to demonstrate and that she is something like a Black Belt. I was in an Asian Market in Arlington's Chinatown with Dr. M. F. once and she did some Tai Chi thing on me that involved me standing on one foot with my eyes closed, if I remember right.

I will be blogging more details about Dr. M. F.'s Prairie Fest Qi Gong demo and class when they become available to me. Why? Because I said I would.

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