Saturday, April 10, 2010

Held Up By Zebras & Rams At Fossil Rim Wildlife Center By Glen Rose Texas

A comment from Mister Twister brought Fossil Rim Wildlife Center to mind.

I do not remember in what year my December visit to Fossil Rim took place. I know it has been several years. I also know that Fossil Rim Wildlife Center remains the funnest thing I've done in Texas.

At the Fossil Rim Visitor's Center you have an opportunity to buy feed for the critters. It is a good idea to have food. The critters expect it. Like this herd of Zebras. The Zebras plot to halt the traffic flow and then walk along extracting treats from the stopped vehicles.

When I came upon some of the critters I quickly rolled up my window. Like when I saw an Ostrich quickly stick its head in the vehicle in front of me. I could see the people inside the vehicle jump out of the way. When the Ostrich pulled its head out, it had something in its beak. What, I do not know.

Towards the end of the trail through Fossil Rim I ran out of food to bribe the critters with for safe passage.

This became problematic as I drove down a steep hill after seeing some Cheetahs. A herd of some type of Ram was holding up traffic as the various Rams solicited treats. When I told the Ram, in the picture, I had nothing, he/she stuck its tongue out at me.

The hills in the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center are the steepest I've driven on in Texas. One steep hill leads from an area called the Overlook. There are many things to see and do at the Overlook, including the Overlook Cafe, which had a very good Overlook of the valley below, hence the name.

If you have not been to Fossil Rim Wildlife Center and you live within easy driving distance, you really should go, especially if you have kids. It is only between 60-120 miles from the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, depending on where you live in the Metroplex.

After I webpaged my Fossil Rim experience, Fossil Rim sent me a Season's Pass, plus a couple guest tickets. I never got around to using them. For years now I've wanted to go back and shoot video.

If you want to visit Fossil Rim Wildlife Center you can find all the information you might want to know by going to the webpage I made of my one and only visit.

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