Friday, April 23, 2010

From The Top Of Mount Tandy The View For The 2010 Prairie Fest Is Clear With No Clouds On The Horizon

In the picture, way in the distance, you can see a downtown Fort Worth skyscraper, or two, sticking up above the foliage, from the top of Mount Tandy.

This was the noon Friday view. The day before the 2010 Prairie Fest is set to populate the Tandy Hills with a lot of people.

Last night's predicted rain did fall. But not in amounts sufficient to muddy up the trails of the Tandy Hills.

Today had been forecast to be stormy. That is still the forecast, chance of rain and severe storms. However, it is not windy, no storm front seems to be blowing in, the sky is blue, the temperature, coming up on 4 in the afternoon, is 81.5.

It seems as if the Weather Gods have decided to grant Fort Worth and the Prairie Fest a reprieve from nasty weather.

I hope I have not jinxed this. Maybe I should knock on wood.

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