Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fort Worth's Trinity River Vision's Incredibly Iconic New Bridges

You are looking at an artist's rendering of one of the proposed new bridges that will cross the unneeded flood diversion channel that is part of the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle.

The original plan was to have unique signature bridges that had been designed by someone or thing called Bing Thom.

The Bing Thom design was deemed too expensive, so to save $45 million, the Trinity River Vision signed off on the signature bridges. I don't know how much Boondoggle money was paid to the Bing Thom people.

The guy who designed the new version of the bridges, Miguel Rosales, says his bridge designs mimic the Modern Art Museum and other structures, like the Omni Hotel.


Another TRV Boondoggle member said the bridges V-pier designs have found the right balance between iconic look and cost-effectiveness.

Iconic look? The Golden Gate Bridge, that's an iconic look. The Brooklyn Bridge, iconic look.

In the 2nd artist's rendering of a bridge you are looking at one of the rejected Bing Thom bridges.

When I first saw the 3 Bing Thom bridge designs I thought they looked very interesting. With maybe a chance of finally giving Fort Worth an iconic structure, besides the Fort Worth Stockyards sign, that people in other parts of the world might recognize as being a Fort Worth thing.

The first of the "iconic" new Fort Worth bridges won't start being built until the end of 2011. This Trinity River Vision Project is one real slow motion Boondoggle.

If there was a place taking bets I'd put my money on the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle having its plug pulled before the end of 2011.

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