Saturday, April 24, 2010

Doing The Prairie Fest With Elsie Hotpepper

I made it to the Prairie Fest sometime after 3 in the afternoon. I knew there were going to be a lot of people on the Prairie as soon as I saw the number of cars parked.

Way more people than last year. It seems to me that each year the Prairie Fest seems to grow 50% bigger. Give or take a percentage or two.

I was intending to participate in World QiGong Day with Master Martha, with me thinking the QiGong Demo Group Participation thing took place at 5. As I often am, I was wrong, it took place at 3.

I learned this when I found myself suddenly accosted by QiGong Master Martha. I'd been wandering around Prairie Fest looking for Elsie Hotpepper, when I ran into Martha.

After talking to Martha, for awhile, I called Elsie, she answered, I told her I was by the band, talking to QiGong Master Martha. And that we were too late for the Group QiGong.

As I talked to Elsie Hotpepper she said she was also by the band. I spied someone who looked like Elsie. I asked Elsie if she was wearing pink. Both Martha and I saw Elsie look down to see what color she was wearing. Who goes out in public without knowing what color they are?

Elsie and I talked to Martha for awhile about our counter-revolutionary activities and then Martha's young daughter and her old boyfriend showed up. So, it was time for Martha to go.

Elsie and I then wandered around Prairie Fest. Due to wandering, and talking to Elsie, I forgot to take very many pictures.

At one point we ran into Don Young, who did not, apparently, know that Elsie and I know each other.

Elsie had never actually seen the Tandy Hills, so we followed a big group of hill walkers out to the hills so Elsie could see the best place to stand in Fort Worth for the first time.

I met Louis McBee today. He was in a booth with a lot of initials. I think, NCTCA. Some subversive group of Texans, near as I can tell. I liked Louis McBee. He was funny. He told me he'd been told that I had killed my blog. This was news to me.

There was some politicking going on on the Tandy Hills today, but it had to be done in a subtle way. Blatant Politicking was Strictly Forbidden.

This made it a bit challenging for Elsie and me to do our bit to convince voters that they need to vote for Adrian Murray and John Basham for positions on the Tarrant Regional Water Board.

I did see one politician today, who seemed to be politicking. Costumed, near as I could tell, to look like a Yellowjacket Bumble Bee.

Kudos to Don Young. Job well done on Prairie Fest 2010.


  1. BEE careful with that certain political creature. It, being a member of the TR Vision Board and member of the FW city council/Chesapeake Crew, would sting YOU to death for associating with people who are pushing for responsible government, fiscal responsibility, property rights, and other subversive notions.

  2. Thanks for the warning, John Q.

  3. Is that Elsie Hotpepper in the long pink dress walking on the wildflowers?

  4. Yes, Anonymous, that is Elsie Hotpepper.

  5. I was there yesterday and I was looking for you, but I was gone before you even arrived. I came with the Bike Friendly Fort Worth and Trinity Bicycles crowd. What about them bagpipe players, eh?

  6. The politician you refer to is the recent mayor pro tem of FW, without whose generosity and political patronage the PF probably would not be what it is today. Lots of taxpayer dollars, including all the staff hours prepping and cleaning, went into this fine event. As the Queen Bee, so to speak, Councilwoman Kathleen Hicks was presiding over realm. Her realm also includes little Carter Ave. and that little defeated guy Steve something--both located just 4-5 blocks west of the festivities.

  7. Twister, you should have indicated your intention to attend so your attendance could have been noted.

  8. Mr. Kwitus, thank you for your politician identifying. I had no idea the Prairie Fest owed so much to the generosity and patronage of a politician. I take, from what you say, that this Hicks person's generosity and patronage did not extend to helping the people living on Carter Avenue fight the absurdity of having a non-odorized, high pressure natural gas pipeline run under their homes.

    I did not know Steve Doeung had been defeated. Last I heard the case has gone to a higher court.

  9. Was great meeting you on Saturday, which was just one more thing that made this year's Prairie Fest the best...and yes it does seem to grow by 50% each year. Sorry to give you a fright about your blog though!

    Also, having the support of a politician should be a little more than just showing up to speak of that "support" at the actual event. A great deal of work was done by Don and Debra Young and their solid group of volunteers without much help from the city except to hold their palms out for more and more user fees and permits.

    One final comment. Steve was defeated in local court, and said he planned to carry it further. The "alternative" pipeline plan is still up in the air and being disucssed behind closed doors. With yet another "alternative - alternative" plan having never been discussed by Ms. Hicks or the city staff.

    Certainly, public participation in the entire Carter Avenue precess (see insanity) has been and continues to be the greatest casualty.
