Friday, April 9, 2010

The Bully Police Stomping Bullies In Texas & The Rest Of America

Bullies and their evil ways have been in the national news of late.

Here in North Texas, in the town of Joshua, a 13 year old boy, Jon Carmichael, killed himself, recently, after enduring years of Bully abuse. Jon was picked on because he was short.

The Bullies did stuff like sticking Jon in a trash can.

When I was in grade school I remember a kid suffering a lot Bullying, named Tommy. I usually went home for lunch. One time, in 8th grade, I came back to school to find the other boys had thrown Tommy up on top of a closet. All the boys got swats, but me.

Back then schools were able to punish the bullies.

Last night Dr. Laura Schlessinger was on Larry King Live to discuss the Bully Problem. Dr. Laura revealed she'd been a Bully victim when she was a kid. Dr. Laura made the interesting point that some of the Bully problem has arisen due to the coarsening of the culture. She made mention of the multiple Reality TV Shows where a lot of the drama comes from people being mean to people. In other words, being Bullies.

That is so true.

In my own life, the worst Bully I've ever known was a female. Ironically one of this Bullie's Bully tactics was to accuse others of being a Bully. This Bully actually has more than once said I was a Bully. I'm about as far opposite of a Bully as one could be.

That is my worst case Bully in the picture at the top. You can sort of see how she exudes a Bully Essence. She is physically threatening due to her HUGE size. Combine that HUGE size with a flash temper and a poisoned mind, which gives the Bully permission to say any Bullying thing the Bully feels like saying, well, it's a Toxic Combo.

As an adult it is easy to marginalize a Bully, and if the Bully re-acts up you can easily re-marginalize it. But, for kids, being victimized by a Bully, it is way harder. The victim is embarrassed. Does not want to tell mom and dad. Is afraid if he/she tells, there will by more Bullying.

If you are a kid who is the victim of a Bully there is help.

Go to the Bully Police website and click on your state.

I'm going to do that today and see if they can help me with that disgusting Bully in the picture.


  1. If I was a dad and I found out about my child being bullied, I would arm them with the ability to physically respond to such attacks. Probably Karate or some such. I'd say kid, you're gonna take this stuff and you're gonna learn it. Endure their taunts for one more year, being comforted with the knowledge that you are arming yourself with the ability to respond and to put them in their place. After a year or so of developing his ability to fight, I'd say unleash hell on them boy. Maybe the poor child in your post didn't have that opportunity.
    I think I know now, why you're in Fort Worth, Tx.

  2. You guessed it Twister. Fort Worth is a Bully Refuge.
