Thursday, April 29, 2010

Betty Jo Bouvier's 80th Birthday Party Will Likely Not Be In Texas

Yesterday I called my mom after Fort Worth's Lone Ranger was not available. This was a rare call to my mom, because I had not gotten gas and was not calling my mom to tell her I got gas and how much it cost.

I don't even think mom asked me about gas yesterday. She did inquire about the current Texas temperature. And if I'd been in any tornadoes lately.

I told mom that Betty Jo Bouvier had gone to the 80th birthday party for the mom of one of my friends going way back to 1st grade, Linda R.

Mom inquired about Linda R., and so I reported that I'd been told that she is doing well, looking fine and healthy.

Mom then mentioned that this coming December will be my dad's 80th birthday. Yikes. I can remember, like it was yesterday, my Grandma Vera's 80th Surprise Birthday Party. That occurred sometime in the early 1990s.

Is there going to be a surprise birthday party, in the Phoenix zone, for my dad, later this year? I have no idea. What if Mega Nag and Mister Sister were there? I would not find this a pleasant experience, most likely. Particularly Mega Nag, since I've vowed to avoid that unpleasantness, as best I can, for as long as I can. Which could easily be forever.

In case you're wondering, that is not my mom in the picture, that is an artist's rendering of Betty Jo Bouvier, speculating as to what Betty Jo may look like at her 80th Birthday Party.

Betty Jo regularly reminds me that I need to go visit my parental units. I've mentioned to my mom that Betty Jo regularly reminds that I should go visit them. My mom told me I should listen to Betty Jo.

I suppose I should.

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