Monday, March 15, 2010

The Yellow Judicial Rose Of Tainted Texas Ain't Looking Too Pretty To Me Today

I saw those bright yellow flowers today, earlier than normal, at the Tandy Hills. I'd walked by their location yesterday and did not notice them. They are rather noticeable, so I don't know why I didn't notice them yesterday.

Maybe they popped in to bloom today, some sort of sign of something, I don't, maybe the optimism of Spring.

I need a dose of optimism right about now. I started getting information this morning around 10 that sort of put me into some sort of state of shock.

Information of the sort that I did not quite know how to process it, or what to do with it. I had to get away from the computer, lest the temptation to blog took over before I'd had time to think through what had me in a state of disgust and shock.

When I got out of here I made several calls. The first was to my mom because I got gas and I always call my mom when I get gas. Mom made the mistake of asking how things are going. And so I told her the short version. You know it's bad when my mom gets the situation and asks a cogent question, as in asking, "How can something like that happen? Shouldn't these people be in jail?"

You have to keep in mind my mom has spent most of her life in civilized Washington, so telling mom about things that happen in Texas is very perplexing to her. This morning mom said Texas sounds lawless, like Mexico. Mom gets a lot of the bad Mexico news due to living near the border.

I walked extra long and extra hard on the Tandy Hills today, desperately seeking that endorphin fix that puts me in a better mood. For part of the hiking I was talking to the Queen of Wink, including hiking up the hill that had previously given her a bad case of the vapors. Soon after finishing consulting the Queen, my therapist, Dr. L.C., called.

Methinks there has been a lot of phone calling going on over a particular subject today. I believe some calls have gone out of Texas, seeking help with what is now obviously a much bigger scandal that I thought I was dealing with....


  1. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it darlin'...the weather matches my mood today, dreary, gloomy and a state of unrest.

  2. There sure are a lot of smoke , and we know the last part of that expression and its meaning. This scandal is not only putting out a lot smoke, it also reeks of rotten-ness and when's there's reeking there's bound to be......?
