Saturday, March 6, 2010

Winter Is Quickly Melting Away From North Texas While Tandy Falls Roars

It is 64 right now. It was almost 60 when I went swimming, real early, this morning. It is supposed to get to 75 tomorrow. I have decided Winter is officially over in North Texas.

For several days in a row now, temperature world is back making sense, with the temperature here in Fort Worth being warmer than Seattle, rather than the unseemly reverse.

I felt so good after hiking the Tandy Hills, yesterday, after such a long absence, I returned today.

A pleasant Saturday and I had the hills to myself. What is wrong with these people in Fort Worth? If I were up in Seattle, today, and went to any of the many parks with hiking, biking and roller blading, there would be large numbers of people hiking, biking and roller blading.

Seattle has nothing remotely like the Tandy Hills near its downtown core. Okay, it is way more hilly there, so you could have yourself a good hike on sidewalks. But there is no Tandy Hills type natural area close to the downtown area.

If there was a Tandy Hills type natural area near downtown Seattle, trust me, the hills today would be alive with the sound of people.

Maybe I need to start a Saturday Hiking Group. Maybe it is fear of the unknown that keeps the locals, for the most part, off Fort Worth's Best Place to Stand.

The lack of hikers had me pondering today, whilst hiking, wondering why? The why of why don't people here, for the most part, enjoy the great outdoors? This is a zone where only 6% of the voters bother to vote for their city government leaders. I suspect the % who have ever stood on Fort Worth's Best Place to Stand is a minuscule fraction of 1%.

That is just sad. Real sad.

Anyway, that is Tandy Falls in the picture at the top. I'd not seen Tandy Falls in a long time. As I neared Tandy Falls I started to hear the roar of the Tandy River going over Tandy Cliff. I'd never seen such a large volume of water plummeting over Tandy Cliff. The Tandy River must still be being fed by snow melt.

In the second picture you can see downtown Fort Worth a couple miles to the west, but you see no natives in the native habitat.

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