Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday In The Land Of The Chesapeakegate Scandal Congratulating Alex Lambert

That's the half past 5 in the afternoon Wednesday Blues view from my abode. It's been a long day. I was up well before 5 this morning. It takes way too long for the sun to light up the place due to that annoying Daylight Savings Time thing.

I am slowly recovering from the latest twist in the ever turning Chesapeakegate Scandal.

One of the victims of the Chesapeakegate Scandal asked me to go to court with him today, but I couldn't do that due to not being in the area of the court, but instead being about 30 miles northeast of there.

I have yet to hear how the court visit went. Well, I hope.

I'm plotting my escape from Texas. I've wondered why more people did not leave Nazi Germany when it became obvious living in a lawless, fascist state was not conducive to a well-lived life.

Recent events in Texas are instructive as to how one can manage to make a pact with the devil and keep living in a state after it turns lawless, fascist, and disrespectful of its citizens.

I have yet to be tasered by the Fort Worth Gestapo, and so I stay. I've yet to be beaten and handcuffed by Fort Worth Stormtrooper thugs, while imbibing at a local pub, and so I stay. Eminent Domain has not directly been used to abuse me, and so I stay.

But, things have changed in the past couple weeks. I have seen the effects of the lawless fascist state, up close and personal. I've listened to first hand accounts of the lawless fascist state engaging in merit-less raids, designed to frighten and intimidate.

I'm thinking if one chooses to remain in a fascist, lawless state one should do what one can to restore freedom and democracy. Or leave. It's quite a conundrum for me. It would be sort of nice to live in one of the liberated, free areas of America, again. I miss it at times.

On a totally unrelated note. Last week on the way back from Southlake, driving on Davis Boulevard I read a message on a Chicken Express sign. A week later the message is still there. A week ago congratulations made sense, because Alex Lambert was still singing his heart out on American Idol. But a week ago tomorrow he made a very tearful exit. Alex Lambert is from North Richland Hills, which is where the Chicken Express with the sign is located. Maybe Alex Lambert is a Chicken Express chicken hawker.

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