Saturday, March 20, 2010

Video Of Elsie Hotpepper & The Fort Worth Herd In The Love Shack At The Fort Worth Stockyards

A week ago today I went to the Fort Worth Stockyards to meet up with Elsie Hotpepper, the White Knight, Robin and Fort Worth's Lone Ranger, at the Love Shack.

I shot some video that day and yesterday I finally remembered to turn it into a YouTube video.

In the video you'll get a very brief glimpse of Elsie Hotpepper and the White Knight, with the Fort Worth Stock Yards sign overhead as we leave the Love Shack.

Speaking of the Love Shack. Have I made mention of how disappointed I was in the Love Shack? I'd read all sorts of positive stuff regarding the Love Shack hamburgers, both the Dirty Love Burger and the less dirty Love Burger.

Elsie and I had the less dirty Love Burger. It came with fries and a drink. I had the lemonade option. Elsie had the bottle of Coke option. I had been previously non-plussed over a supposedly really good local hamburger, that being the burger you get at Kincaid's. I found the Kincaid's burger to be nothing special at all. The Love Burger was, maybe, marginally better than the Kincaid's burger.

Elsie was of the same opinion as me regarding the Love Burger.

I remarked that I was expecting the Love Burger to be something really good, like an In & Out Burger. The White Knight is an In & Out fan and knew what I was talking about. The White Knight said that In & Out was planning to enter the D/FW market before the economy tanked. If that happens the locals will be getting their first taste of a really good burger. But, I have been told that Fred's Cafe makes an In & Out worthy burger, which I have not tried.

In addition to the Love Burger being a disappointment, the fries arrived cold. The Love Shack fries are ultra-skinny slivers of spud, hence not a lot of mass to retain heat, I guess. And they were very greasy, as in shining with grease.

Maybe it was an off day at the Love Shack. It was being really busy, as in there was a line waiting to get in. Maybe Tim Love is out of town and his Love Shack cooks were being a bit slack. I don't think I'm willing to try it again to see if last Saturday was an off day.

Neither is Elsie Hotpepper. Yesterday she told me she was taking me out for a burger, but not to any place with "Shack" in the name.

Watch the below video to see Elsie and a lot of cows....

1 comment:

  1. That first longhorn bovine looks like the picture of your honorable mayor that Jay Leno cracked up about a few months ago. The rest of the herd must be the council and city staff. With all the BS these folks dump on the citizenry, they need to just stay in the stockyards area to conduct all their #$%^ businesses.
