Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Very Very Short Wednesday Texas Thunderstorm With A Few Balls Of Hail

About a half hour ago, some time after 10am, the predicted thunderstorm arrived. Along with hail.

I do not have a good view from my location, so I quickly headed over to Miss Puerto Rico's balcony, hoping to get pictures of some good lightning bolts and big balls of hail.

But, by the time I got to my photo perch, the thunder had stopped booming, the hail had stopped falling. All I was left with was a dark sky and rain.

I waited for about 10 minutes for some fresh incoming flashes, but all I got was continued rain. So, I left my Thunderstorm Observation Post and came back here.

This was the shortest Thunderstorm I have yet to see in Texas. And now it is sort of brightening up out there. Is this storm now over for the day? The National Weather Service has the Severe Thunderstorm Watch continuing til 3 in the afternoon.

The birds are back in full chirp mode, a clear indication that the storm has passed.

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