Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Queen of Wink, Princess Annie, Steve Doeung & Me Taking Stock In The Fort Worth Stockyards

That is the Queen of Wink moseying along the boardwalk that hovers above the actual Stockyards at the Fort Worth Stockyards.

The Queen & Annie & I went to the Stockyards after the Steve Doeung vs. Chesapeake Energy day in court was done, well, done for today. It's not over, for good, yet.

During the proceedings on the courthouse steps this tall blonde lady seemed to be being consulted by various people. At one point she was introduced as Electra.

When the court session was over, Electra came over to me and handed me a slip of paper. She told me "that's my number, call me when you decide where you're having lunch."

It was very mysterious. In the picture, where the Queen is walking on the boardwalk, she is talking to Steve Doeung. He was about to be interviewed by some TV news people. But he wanted to meet up with us at the Stockyards.

I figured the Love Shack would be a good place. So, I called the number Electra gave me, she answered, all I said was "Love Shack at 11, or so." She said, "I'll be there."

I thought we'd pretty much have the Stockyards to ourselves, it being Thursday, and not tourist season. But like I've long said, it's always busy in the Stockyards. And so it was today. Hundreds, maybe thousands of school kids. You don't see any of the little darlings in the picture of the boardwalk, but, just minutes before, we had to wait in a long line while the little darlings went, one by one, through the turnstile.

When we first got to the Stockyards, Annie and the Queen thought doing the Cowtown Maze looked fun. Along with dozens of the aforementioned darlings. I opted out and chose, instead, to observe from the Observation platform.

If you are a The Amazing Race viewer, the Cowtown Maze was a Roadblock on the final leg of Season 5.

Cowtown Maze Rats have to find 4 letters and get their race card punched to successfully complete the maze. Annie and the Queen were not good maze rats. Eventually the proprietor had to help the pair get past a few confusions. It was pretty amusing to watch.

Eventually they found the exit. Eventually.

And then it was on to explore the Fort Worth Stockyards, including Saunders Park, walking under Exchange Street, alongside the Venice canal like feature that few see.

At one point we were in Booger Red's Saloon, where Annie plopped herself on a saddle stool underneath the big buffalo butt that's stuck on the wall. The bartender told Annie he would need to see some I.D. Annie said, "Just give me a shot of sarsaparilla, barkeep."

Moving on, it was time to head to the Love Shack for lunch. But it was also almost time for the Fort Worth Herd to make one of their 2 daily cattle drives. The cattle drive does not drive by the Love Shack.

So, we decided to head to Riscky's BBQ, which the Longhorns do drive by. I called Electra to inform her of the change. The Queen called Steve.

We sat at the outdoor zone of Riscky's. As we pondered what we wanted, water arrived. The Queen deemed her glass of water not fit to consume, due to the presence of a lemon slice and too much ice. The thoroughly chagrined waitress bowed humbly and begged the Queen's pardon.

Later Annie objected to the fat content of her pork ribs. Immediately a less fat beef rib was delivered. A special take home glass of Dr Pepper was delivered to Annie, along with a special container for dog bones. And when the Queen complained of chilly hands, the waitress brought a glass filled with hot water, so that the Queen could warm herself.

I tell you, when you hang with royalty you get treated royally.

At some point the Fort Worth Herd drove by. A large crowd assembled to watch.

After we had finished our vittles, Steve Doeung showed up. We had a real nice talk. I tell you, this is one smart guy. I zone out after about a half hour of smart talk. This guy had already been doing more smart talk than I do in a week, whilst in court this morning, and he still had energy for more smart talk with me and the Queen. Mostly I listened while the Queen and Steve were interesting to listen to.

The Queen wanted to be on the road, heading back to her Wink Kingdom, by 1. That didn't happen, but I did manage to lead her to I-30 and head the Queen of Wink and Annie back west, about a half hour after the preferred start time.

Electra never showed up. She did call twice. I did not hear my phone ring. Nor did anyone else.

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