Friday, March 26, 2010

My Foul Mood And A Wildflower Blooming In Texas On The Tandy Hills

I am having one of my rare why do I bother days. Someone recently told me that Peckish and Durango were synonymous. I had to look up Peckish to see that Someone was right.

Today my therapist, Dr. L.C., is in one of her men are way too difficult moods, something to do with cats being easier to herd. I am not sure if I am among the difficult to herd, or not.

My dear Mom mailed me a lot of vacation house rental info, sent March 15, that I did not get til today, because today is the first day I've gone to the Post Office in awhile. The house rental info is for Perry Mason's little sister, Lori, who is up in Washington. I love convolutions. So, now I guess I'm mailing my mom's house rental info to Washington.

Speaking of my dear Mom, today I heard from my Mom's youngest, my little sister, the shyster, I mean, lawyer. Little sister is having a major back woe, something called Piriformis Syndrome, which causes the Sciatic Nerve to be pinched, with a lot of pain being the result.

Made me feel bad reading my little sister's description. I'd emailed her to remind her of a Running Challenge, that is 17 years old, and which is triggered on her next birthday, which is April 13. This Running Challenge takes place at Washington Park in Anacortes in Washington. Late summer is the earliest my little sister thinks she might be up for the Running Challenge.

Meanwhile, I am currently Sore in Texas due to the Twister Push-Up Challenge. I believe I overdid it, because I'm sore from the waist north. This may be due to that slippery mud sliding incident on Wednesday on the treacherous Tandy Hills, but I doubt it.

Speaking of which, due to my foul mood of feeling foul, I went to the Tandy Hills today, hoping they'd be dried out and I could strain my bad mood into oblivion. Well, the Tandy Hills were still muddy, but I was able to get off the trails and cross country it for the needed mood elevation.

It is hell being addicted to endorphins.

A couple signs of Wildflowers finally starting to show up, including that pink wild flower you see at the top. The Texas Wildflowers are being really late this year. Something to do with the long cold Winter?

One of the most ubiquitous Texas Wildflowers is the State Wildflower of Texas, the Bluebonnet. I saw Bluebonnets on Wednesday, and again today, but not on the Tandy Hills, but in the yards of homes by the Tandy Hills. How does that happen?

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