Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mr. Smith Went To Washington While Steve Doeung Goes To Fort Worth

Mr. Jefferson Smith went to Washington and won an ugly battle against corruption and an entrenched good ol' boy network.

Tomorrow morning Steve "Jefferson" Doeung goes to a Fort Worth courtroom to fight, again, in an ugly battle against corruption and a good ol' boy network.

Jefferson Smith went to Washington, all idealistic.

Steve "Jefferson" Doeung came to America, all idealistic. Believing America to be the Land of the Free, where The People rule, where Freedom of Speech was a Right, where the government's job was to Serve and Protect The People, unlike the land he fled, to come to America.

When idealistic Mr. Smith got to Washington he came up with legislation that would have the federal government loan money to buy land for a national boys' camp, to be paid back by kids across America. Donations poured in.

But, the proposed campsite was already part of a lake-building/flood diversion scheme, I mean, dam-building/graft scheme engineered by the Moncrief, I mean, Taylor, political machine.

When Jefferson Smith learned of the political machine's plan to run a non-odorized gas pipeline, I mean build a dam, on the land Mr. Smith had intended for a national boy's camp, well, he fought back.

A one man battle against the U.S. Senate.

Every attempt, to throw every "rule" in the book, at Jefferson Smith, to shut him up, failed. Every attempt at intimidation, by political thugs, failed. In the end, Jefferson Smith, won.

Steve "Jefferson" Doeung's battle against every "rule" in the crooked book being thrown at him, has, so far, been successful. In Mr. Doeung goes to Fort Worth, we are now at the scene in the movie where The People see quite clearly that the politicians have been doing some dirty dealing.

And now, tomorrow, The People will be cheering in the gallery. For Steve Doeung.

At this very moment, wheels are on the road, from distant parts of Texas, heading to Fort Worth.

When Frank Capra released Mr. Smith goes to Washington there were quite a few objections from corrupt politicians all over the world.

Corrupt politicians do not want The People getting the idea that they have any Power. It scares them.

Mr. Smith goes to Washington was banned in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Some European countries dubbed the film to alter the message. When the Nazis occupied France in 1942 American films were banned. Many theaters chose to show Mr. Smith goes to Washington as the last film screened before the ban went into effect.

I wonder how many years it'll be before Mr. Doeung goes to Fort Worth hits movie theater? Moviegoers love happy endings.

1 comment:

  1. Be careful with all the one-way streets and bicycle cops. If possible don't use the 2 cents/minute metered parking on the street that require lots of coins and possible citation for expired meter but park in the multi-level garage (a block EAST of the rally location)next to the new Family Law Center/courts. Get there early, bring your own signs, etc.
