Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It Ain't Over Til The Fat Lady Sings In Texas When It Comes To Protecting Your Family & Your Home

In Texas the saying "It Ain't Over til the Fat Lady Sings" has added meaning because there are many a Fat Lady, in Texas, waiting for their time to sing.

On Monday we all thought we heard the Fat Lady sing, in the form of the dishonorable Judge Vincent G. Sprinkle not informing Steve Doeung that the dishonorable Judge had signed the Chesapeake Energy eminent domain condemnation order taking away Steve Doeung's property rights.

And then in a coup de grace (that means, I think, the severing of ones head from ones body) the apparently corrupt Judge's clerk told Steve Doeung that his Case was Closed, despite what the Judge said in court, there was no avenue of appeal.

This seemed to be quite a blow in more ways than one, with one of those ways being that it appeared Steve, and those of us in the courtroom, had been blatantly lied to by the apparently corrupt Judge.

But, this morning I learned, too late to go with Steve, that he is back in court again. The fight for right goes on. This time in a superior jurisdiction that apparently looks at eminent domain abuse cases. Steve Doeung has quite a lengthy record of the various dirty deeds done in Judge Sprinkle's court room, running roughshod over Steve Doeung's rights, upon which to base an appeal.

And a different type of appeal is still in appeal mode. That being the appeal for someone, somewhere, with a law degree, to please help Steve Doeung in his battle against a giant corporation and that corporation's advocates, the State of Texas, Tarrant County and the City of Fort Worth, none of which seem interested in the plight of the little guy trying to be safe and secure in his own home, where he wants to live without having to worry about a high pressure, non-odorized big natural gas pipeline in the ground beneath him.

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