Sunday, March 14, 2010

In Fort Worth With Elsie Hotpepper On The Tandy Hills With The Color Purple

The annoying switch to Daylight Savings Time had me up later than normal.

About 7 Elsie Hotpepper called, insisting I needed to drive her to the Fort Worth Stockyards to get her car, which was left there overnight, due to me driving Elsie home on Saturday when she was not in suitable driving mode.

I told Elsie I'd come get her after I was done with my morning swim and breakfast.

So, those two onerous tasks out of the way, I took off to take a Hotpepper to her car.

Taking Elsie to the Stockyards proved uneventful. I dropped her off, then I took off for a much earlier than the norm hiking of the Tandy Hills.

I am trying to amp up my physical activity to reverse this unfortunate weight gain I may have mentioned a time or two.

I live in dread fear of many things, like fear of getting tasered by the Fort Worth police, but my #1 fear is my fear of turning into one of the humongous balloon people I see waddling about in these parts. I fear it is an easily slid slippery slope to get to being a balloon person.

With that in mind I did some heavy duty waddling up and down the Tandy Hills today. Absolutely perfect conditions, even though I am not in absolutely perfect condition.

And I saw a harbinger of the coming dose of wild color that will soon be putting on a fine display on the Tandy Hills, that being a purple wildflower coloring up the hills today. I am not all that adept at properly identifying colors. Is that a purple flower in the picture? Or is that a color other than purple?

I guess that sums up my Sunday in Texas, being perplexed by the color purple. With the windows open.

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