Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Getting Caught By The Richland Hills Texas Red Light District

I found a fun surprise this morning in my mailbox. A letter from the City of Richland Hills, Texas Red Light Photo Enforcement Program.

Also known as the Richland Hills Revenue Enhancement Program.

It was a little surprising to see a closeup picture of my license plate.

On the "Notice of Violation," under the picture showing the plate image, it says, "To view a video and the before and after pictures of the violation, please go to www.photonotice.com. Enter City Code: RCHLD."

Photonotice.com is run by Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc. in Phoenix, Arizona.

I logged into Photonotice.com, after entering the city code, the notice number and the license plate, and watched the video. Til I watched the video I could not remember being in Richland Hills and having the opportunity to run a red light.

With the video refreshing my memory I remember a couple weeks ago I needed to be at a specific location in North Richland Hills, at noon. That day, when I left my abode, I could see my usual route to North Richland Hills, I-820, was not moving. So, I took surface streets north.

This had me eventually on Highway 183, which I learned, from the Notice of Violation, is also known as Baker Boulevard. Baker Boulevard had few vehicles on it that day before noon. The red light running took place at the intersection of Baker and Vance Park. Whatever Vance Park is. I recollect where the red light was run, it was like there was a stoplight with no real crossroad.

The memory of the lack of a real crossroad is reinforced by viewing the video and the picture above.

So, what's the deal here? Does Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc. send agents out to cash hungry towns and sell them on the idea of installing red light traps to tempt drivers to ignore the seemingly unnecessary red light?

I must return and take pictures of the scene of the crime.

In the meantime, be careful out there. Big Brother is Watching.

1 comment:

  1. I googled The Lone Ranger because my Redflex ticket indicates HE was driving my CRX HF on Route 51 in Phoenix around 8:22 Jan. 11th. It's obviously the masked man. The face camera captured the shadow from the rearview mirror caused by the flash unit shielding the drivers eyes from his secret identity. I mistakenly told the court clerk that it was Zorro, but after reviewing old photographs of both Zorro and The Lone Ranger, I've determined it more likely to have been the latter. My arraignment is scheduled for Aug. 10th at the Arcadia Biltmore Justice Court. If the masked rider could make an appearance there it would be a big help. I just know there must be others like me who are in distress!
