Friday, March 19, 2010

Elsie Hotpepper On The Hunt For Missing Steve Doeung While My Therapist Orders Me Tandy Hills Hiking Due To Incoming Possible Snow

My Physical Therapist, Dr. L.C., had gone missing, just like Carter Avenue's Lone Ranger, Steve Doeung, but Dr. L.C., unlike Steve, showed up this morning, concerned that I had been up since a bit past 4 this morning.

I chose not to go swimming this morning. I don't remember why now. Dr. L.C. told me that there is a chance we might get some snow tomorrow, with the predicted low being 31.

Snow 2/3rds through March? In Texas? Will this Winter nightmare ever end? Well, there is the official end in a couple days with the arrival, cold arrival, of Spring.

With the incoming cold with precipitation in frozen or melted form, Dr. L.C. told me I needed to overly aerobicize myself today. And so I did.

The Tandy Hills was dried out enough to be hiked without getting stuck in the mud. The Tandy River was running higher than I've previously seen it. Fording the rapids of the Tandy River, at the location you see in the picture, was slightly treacherous, but doable, thanks to strategically placed boulders.

Elsie Hotpepper is investigating the disappearance of Steve Doeung. So far, no report from Elsie. The Queen of Wink is also incommunicado, she took an entourage to San Antonio to see Orcas, aka, Killer Whales. The Queen of Wink returns from whale hunting tomorrow. Maybe she will be able to locate the missing Lone Ranger.

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